


League of Legends is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena games, also known as MOBA. With millions of players worldwide, the game has a competitive ranking system, and every player wants to climb the ranks to become the best. However, sometimes players can violate the rules of the game, and they get punished with various penalties, including a suspension of their account or chat restrictions. One of the most severe punishments in League of Legends is the dreaded “Punishment Warden’s Scythe,” which can leave players banned for a long time. In this article, we will discuss the duration of the ban for the Punishment Warden’s Scythe and how to avoid it.

What is the Punishment Warden’s Scythe?

The Punishment Warden’s Scythe, also known as the “ban hammer,” is a symbol of punishment in League of Legends. This ban is the ultimate penalty for players who violated the game’s code of conduct. Typically, players receive multiple warnings, escalating in severity, before being hit with the Punishment Warden’s Scythe. Once the ban is activated, players cannot access their accounts for a specified period, rendering them unable to play. The duration of the ban for the Punishment Warden’s Scythe varies depending on the severity of the violation and the player’s history of misconduct.

How Long Does the Punishment Warden’s Scythe Last?

The duration of the ban for the Punishment Warden’s Scythe varies from 14 days to permanent. The severity of the violation and the player’s record of misconduct will determine how long the suspension will last. In general, first-time offenders receive a seven to the fourteen-day ban, while repeat offenders could receive an indefinite suspension. Players who use hacks or cheat software usually receive a permanent ban. If you receive a Punishment Warden’s Scythe, the message will provide the exact duration of your suspension.

How to Avoid the Punishment Warden’s Scythe

To avoid the Punishment Warden’s Scythe, you should follow the game’s code of conduct. This includes refraining from abusive language and behavior towards other players, not cheating or using hacks, and not intentionally losing games. If you do slip up and receive a warning, take it seriously and make a conscious effort to avoid further violations. If you continue to receive warnings, you will eventually receive a Punishment Warden’s Scythe. Additionally, if you see other players violating the game’s code of conduct, report them to the game’s moderators. Reporting rule violators can help keep the League of Legends community safe and fair.


The Punishment Warden’s Scythe is the most severe punishment in League of Legends, and it can leave players banned for a long time. The duration of the ban depends on the severity of the violation and the player’s record of misconduct, but it can range from 14 days to permanent. To avoid the Punishment Warden’s Scythe, you should follow the game’s rules, report violators, and take any warnings seriously. By playing fair and respectful, you can help create a better League of Legends gaming environment for everyone.


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